FA120574 Four arcades HO

Period 1 (1880 - 1920)
From the earliest days of railways, there was a need (especially in cities) to raise the level of the tracks, to allow a better flow of vehicle traffic around the operations on the rail corridor. Into the space created underneath the tracks, all manner of enterprises took place.
Realistic wall design. Four arcades made of reddish exposed brick with closed wall arch.
On model railways, they are a useful device to help 'layer' the various scenes that you would like a viewer to see.
FA120574 Four arcades HOFA120574 Four arcades HO
Price: NZ $ 13.80
Total: NZ $ 13.80
Total without tax: NZ $ 12.00
Total discount:
GST: NZ $ 1.80
FA120574 Four arcades HO
FA120574 Four arcades HO
Dimensions: 180 x 12 x 45 mm (4 x) Available from April 2023.
Units in box: 1 set